- Pictures of the military child (.jpeg format):
- Then (head and shoulders shot)
- Now (doing their job, ex: coaching a team, helping a customer, etc.).
- Bio info:
- Name, title and garrison.
- A memory of their childhood specific to CYS or the military (or the garrison if they ended up working where they lived as child).
- What it meant to them to be a military child.
- How they got to where they are now.
- Still affiliated with military life (work, personal, etc.)?
- If they could give their younger self advice or a message in reference to growing up military, what would it be?
Adult military children - we want to celebrate YOU during the Month of the Military Child in April on our Social Media platforms. Send us your stories to share!
Military children tend to stay connected to the military. Some end up joining the service and others work for the military as civilians – from bus drivers and school liaisons to custodial workers, caregivers, coaches and librarians to Youth Sports Directors.
As part of the 2024 Month of the Military Child (MOMC), we are expanding Young Lives, BIG Stories to include former military children (21 and older).
Entries must include:
Please send your submissions, no later than March 28th, 2024, to the Marketing Office at: