Concealed Carry Course
May 2 2021, 9 am - 7 pm
May 2 2021, 9 am - 7 pm
Sign up now for the Concealed Carry Course at TASC!
Course topics include: firearms, their safe handling, the safe storage, how to safely carry a firearm and understanding of Georgia and South Carolina gun laws and enhancing their shooting skills.
The Concealed Carry Class is a one day 10 hour class that allows residents of Georgia and South Carolina to become Familiar with the firearms they own, and familiar deploying the firearm in different concealed carry situations. We believe it is the responsibility of every firearm owner to be educated and as safe as possible.
The class consists of a half day of classroom lecture, and then lunch which will be provided by TASC. The second half of the day, the class will move outside to our firing range for practical skills application of the material discussed in the class and the Concealed Carry Proficiency course of fire. Upon completion of the class you will receive a certificate. We hope that you enjoy the class and take away something that is going to benefit your safety, and the safety of others.
ALSO, be sure to pack snacks for each class, it is a 10 hour day and you will get hungry!
Cost is $150 per person and includes all materials and lunch.
Registration Information
Call TASC at 706-791-5078 for more information or to register! (Registration deadline is 10 days before each event)
Fort Eisenhower Outdoor Recreation-
Tactical Advantage Sportsman's Complex (TASC)
Military DSN (312)780-5078