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The Ripple Effect: A Duality

By: Jenifer Chrisman

“Just as ripples spread out when a pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.”

– Dalai Lama


ripple effect noun

:a spreading, pervasive, and usually unintentional effect or influence



We can never begin to comprehend how we affect those around us. But our actions, or lack thereof, can have far-reaching and long-term repercussions. While positive actions uplift (people, neighborhoods, communities, cities, countries, even the world), negative actions can shatter them. And, as it is much more difficult to let go of the bad, the consequences of negative actions may be felt for generations.

In our normal, day-to-day interactions, we generally cause only small ripples. But, there are times when, emotions running high, we make more of a splash. However, even the tiniest pebble, in the right (or wrong) situation, can cause a major ripple effect.

As with existence, this rippling effect is a duality. It can be positive, it can be negative or it can be some of each.

If we act positively, more often than not, it will have a positive effect on those we come across, rippling outward as each person comes in contact with others. These positive ripples, done with intent, such as Acts of Random Kindness (ARK), can cause extraordinary reactions. Tiny as they “may” seem to the ones doing the kindness, they can be “WOW” moments to the recipients, who often are random strangers. These acts inspire us to pay it forward, perpetuating onward the kindnesses we receive.

Obversely, when we put negative energy out into the world, we never really know what those around us are going through in their own lives. Most people will just shrug it off, deciding the negative person is just having a bad day. But it will still cause at least a small negative impact, which can take some of the shine off the day. For those suffering abuse or trauma (Hurts One, Affects All), anger, fear, feeling alone, bitterness, sadness, along with a myriad of other negative emotions, can quickly (and literally) turn into a powder keg. Although it is far from a given a person who is suffering some sort of abuse or trauma will lash out in a demonstrative way (school shootings, mass shootings, bombings, murders, suicides, etc.), the wrong spark, intentional or not, can have catastrophic consequences.

But this rippling effect does not just effect those around us. Sooner or later, what we put out there, especially with intent, ripples back at us, amplified many times over. Positive or negative, we reap what we sow.

That being said, it is always wise to try to keep our actions and interactions as positive as possible. While this will not always be feasible (bad days happen), when in doubt or wanting to lash out, we should do our best to act with kindness.