- Army Emergency Relief (AER) Overview
Army Emergency Relief is the U.S. Army's own nonprofit organization dedicated to alleviating financial distress on the force. AER provides grants and zero-interest loans to Active Duty and Retired Soldiers and their Families. Over 4 million Soldiers supported since 1942. AER officers are conveniently located at installations around the world. Visit ArmyEmergencyRelief.org to learn more.
Education Programs
AER’s Education Program is a secondary mission to help Army Families with the costs of education. The three separate scholarship programs are:
Stateside Spouse Education Assistance Program
• Applicant must be the Spouse or widow(er) of an active duty or retired Soldier and reside in the United States.
• Stateside applicants must be full time students.
• First undergraduate degrees only.
• Active duty military personnel are not eligible.Overseas Spouse Education Assistance Program Major General James Ursano Scholarship Fund for Dependent Children.
Overseas Spouse Education Assistance Program
• Applicants must be a Spouse of an active duty Soldier assigned in Europe, Korea, Japan, or Okinawa.
• Applicants must physically reside with the Soldier at the assigned location.
• First undergraduate degrees only.
• Off post students are not eligible.
• Spouses may be part time or full time students.Major General James Ursano Scholarship Fund for Dependant Children
• Dependent children, stepchildren, or legally adopted children of Army Soldiers on active duty, retired or deceased while in active duty or retired status.The children of Grey Area Reservists/National Guard are eligible as well.
Scholarship awards will be awarded up to half the cost of tuition. Scholarship awards are based on financial need, as evidenced by income, assets, Family size, and special circumstances.
Applications and instructions are available for all the scholarships on the AER website at https://www.armyemergencyrelief.org/resources/
- AER Resources and Forms
Fort Gordon AER Packets: Covid 19 Request for Emergency Assistance (ONLY use this application packet while we are closed due to Covid 19)
- Army Emergency Relief Packet
(Commander or 1SG signature required) - Budget Forms
- AER Special Power of Attorney
Upon completion, email all applications and documents to usarmy.gordon.imcom-fmwrc.mbx.acs-financial-readiness@mail.mil. To check on the status of your application submission, please call (706) 791-3579.
- Army Emergency Relief Packet
- AER Assistance
All Soldiers (Enlisted or Officer) now have direct access to AER assistance by calling for an appointment and completing the AER Application Packet, with the following exceptions:
- Soldiers E1 to E4 in IET (Basic or AIT) or with less than 12 months time in service must have the signature of the Unit Commander or First Sergeant
- All Soldiers (Enlisted or Officer) who have 2 assists within a 12 month period or who have been identified as a "High Risk" Soldier will require the Commander's review of their AER application prior to making an appointment
Emergency travel requests always take priority and do not require an appointment due to time constraints.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call the number listed at the top of this page.
- Required Documents for Appointments
Bring the following documents to your appointment:
- Military ID card
- Most recent end of month Leave and Earning Statement
- Proof of other household income
- Substantiating documents (emergency leave form, military orders, car repair estimate, utility bill, lease, etc.)
- Power of Attorney (required for Spouses)
- AER Smartphone App
Download From Google Play | Download From App Store
*** This has been branded as an Official U.S. Army app ***
Army Emergency Relief (AER) is a private non-profit that provides emergency financial assistance to Soldiers and their Families. AER also provides scholarships to the Spouses and Children of Soldiers. This app provides basic information about AER, explains the assistance and scholarship application processes, as well as help in locating the nearest AER office. Funded primarily through donations by Soldiers, AER is truly "Soldiers Helping Soldiers."
Features include:- Brief description of AER and its history.
- Explanation of the assistance application process.
- Explanation of the scholarship application process.
- Explanation of the loan repayment process.
- Frequently asked questions (FAQ).
- Locations of AER offices.
- Live news feed from AER headquarters via Twitter.