TASC hosts archery ranges for archers to hone their skills – a 13 position Known Distance Range, starting at 10 yards out to 60 yards at 5 yard increments to 30 yards then every 10 yards, and a 20 station 3-D archery course (March-September). Basic recurve bows are available to rent for a nominal fee.
For Privately Owned Equipment:
$10 per round (25 shots) / $8 for members, $5 for youth under 16.
Archery Rental Package:
$15 includes recurve bow, 5 arrows and range fee; Replacement cost for lost/broken arrows $5 each.
Archery Classes
Intro to Archery
This beginners class teaches the parts of the bow and arrows and instructions on basic safety and shooting. Please contact the office for class information.